Interaction Controls

Often, it is desirable to post a Note, but control who is allowed to interact with it (e.g. send replies, like, dislike, etc.). This has traditionally not been possible in most federated networks: the Interaction Controls extension adds this possibility.


The entity defined in this document must be inserted in the pub.versia:interaction_controls key of a Note's extensions field.

Example Usage

    "id": "456df8ed-daf1-4062-abab-491071c7b8dd",
    "type": "Note",
    "uri": "",
    "created_at": "2024-04-09T01:38:51.743Z",
    "collections": {
        "replies": "",
        "quotes": ""
    "content": {
        "text/plain": {
            "content": "Hello, world :happy_face:!"
    "extensions": { 
        "pub.versia:interaction_controls": {
            "reply": {
                "allowed": ["followers"],

Entity Definition

  • Name

    Describes permissions for a specific interaction.

    type InteractionGroup = |
        "everyone" |
        "followers" |
        "followed" |
        "group" |
    type InteractionPermissions = {
        allowed?: InteractionGroup[];
        disallowed?: InteractionGroup[];

    Permissions can either be whitelist (allowed property) or blacklist (disallowed property). Both options are mutually exclusive.

    In order of priority:

    • everyone: Includes every single User in the federation.
    • mentioned: Includes every mentioned User.
    • followers: Includes every follower of the author.
    • following: Includes every User that the author follows.
    • mutuals: Includes every mutual of the author (that is, every User that is both a follower and followed by the author).
    • group: Includes every User in the Group that this Note was posted to, if any. If Note is not posted to a Group, this value has no effect.

    Permission groups are evaluated from highest to lowest priority: if two groups conflict each other, the group with the highest priority must be used.


    "reply": {
        "allowed": [
    "pub.versia:likes#Like": {
        "disallowed": [


Interaction Types

The following interaction types are defined as part of the core Versia spec:

  • reply: Sending a Note with replies_to including this Note.
  • quote: Sending a Note with quotes including this Note.

Extensions may choose to register their own interaction types (such as pub.versia:likes#Like for the Like Extension). The naming scheme for interaction types is identical to Extensions's type property, but with a hashtag (#) in place of a forward slash (/).

Handling Permission Errors

Implementations that find a user attempting to create an interaction they are not allowed to MUST return a 403 Forbidden HTTP status code when processing the Note during federation. The Note must also be discarded.

It is important for implementations to backfill any related Collections/URI Collections (e.g. user followers) in order to not incorrectly reject Notes based off of outdated data.