
Versia provides a set of core entities and structures to build a barebones social network. However, it is not possible nor desirable to cover every use case. This is where extensions come in, allowing parts of the system to be extended or replaced with custom functionality.

By design, extensions can be mitchmatched in any combination, without requiring any changes to the core system. This allows for a high degree of customization and flexibility. Implementations that do not support a particular extension can simply ignore it without any issues.

Extensions should be standardized and publicly documented.

Handling Unsupported Extensions

When an extension is not supported by an Implementation, it can be ignored. This means that the extension is not processed, and its data is not used. Implementations must not throw an error when encountering an unsupported extension, as long as the rest of the entity is valid.

Extensions must not be designed in a way that makes them required to understand or process other non-extension entities.


Versia extension names are composed of two parts:

  • The domain name of the extension author, in reverse order. Example: pub.versia
  • The extension name, separated by a colon. snake_case. Example: likes

Example Extension Name


Custom entities

Custom entities are named in the same way, but with an additional part:

  • The entity name, separated by a slash. PascalCase. Example: Like

Example Custom Entity Type


Extension Definition

Extensions can be found in two places: an Entity's extensions property, or as custom entities themselves. The former is used to add custom functionality to an existing entity, while the latter is used to define a new entity type.

Entity Extension

  • Name
    Record<string, JSONData>

    Custom extensions to the entity.

    • key: The extension name.
    • value: Extension data. Can be any JSON-serializable data.

    Extension data can be any JSON-serializable data.

Example Entity Extension

    "type": "pub.versia:groups/Group",
    "id": "ed480922-b095-4f09-9da5-c995be8f5960",
    "uri": "https://example.com/groups/ed480922-b095-4f09-9da5-c995be8f5960",
    "name": null,
    "description": null,
    "members": "https://example.com/groups/ed480922-b095-4f09-9da5-c995be8f5960/members",
    "extensions": { 
        "com.example:gps": {
            "location": {
                "latitude": 37.7749,
                "longitude": -122.4194
            "accuracy": 10,
            "name": "San Francisco"

Custom Entity

  • Name

    The extension type. Must follow naming conventions.

  • Name

    Other properties of the custom entity. These are specific to the extension, and should be documented by the extension author.

    Note that id, uri and created_at are still required for custom entities, unless the extension author specifies otherwise.

Example Custom Entity

    "type": "com.example:poll/Poll",
    "id": "6f27bc77-58ee-4c9b-b804-8cc1c1182fa9",
    "uri": "https://example.com/actions/6f27bc77-58ee-4c9b-b804-8cc1c1182fa9",
    "author": "https://example.com/users/6e0204a2-746c-4972-8602-c4f37fc63bbe",
    "created_at": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "question": "What is your favourite colour?",
    "options": [